MZ Skin LED 2.0 LightMAX LED Mask

MZ Skin setur LED heimagrímurnar upp á næsta stig!
LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 er sveigjanleg LED gríma til notkunar heima sem nýtir ljósdíóður (LED) til að baða húðina í ljósi.
LED gríman býður upp á tvo ljósvalkosti, rautt + innrautt eða blátt + rautt, til að stuðla að alhliða húðendurhæfingu. LED-meðferð getur hjálpað við að leysa fjölmörg húðvandamál, eins og að stinna og styrkja húðina, róa bólgur, minnka útbrot og draga úr litabreytingum.

Sérstakt, einkaleyfisvarið sveigjanlegt sílikon sveigir sig að andlitinu til að tryggja hámarks ljósmagn fyrir áhrifaríkar og þægilegar meðferðir.

Þetta er ný kynslóð LED-grímu sem hönnuð er til að ná algjörum yfirburðum í húðmeðferð.

Anti-Ageing Mode – Tæknilýsing
Notkun: Dregur úr fínum línum
Rautt ljós: 633 nm, 42 díóður
Infrarautt ljós: 830 nm, 42 díóður
Heildarfjöldi díóða gegn öldrun: 84
Afl: 30 mW/cm²
Orka: 18 Joules/cm²

Acne Mode – Tæknilýsing
Notkun: Dregur úr bólum og myndun þeirra
Rautt ljós: 633 nm, 28 díóður
Blátt ljós: 415 nm, 28 díóður
Heildarfjöldi díóða gegn bólum: 56
Afl: 30 mW/cm²
Orka: 18 Joules/cm²
Ljósmagnið þarf ekki að athuga reglulega þar sem LED-díóðurnar missa ekki ljósmagn með tímanum að neinu marki.

MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 inniheldur:

- Sveigjanleg LED gríma úr sílikoni
- LED stjórnbox (með lithium rafhlöðu)
- Aflgjafa fyrir LED og millistykki fyrir viðeigandi lönd
- Stillanlegar höfuðólar fyrir LED-grímu
- Poka til að geyma grímuna í
- Leiðbeiningar fyrir notendur

Vörumerki: MZ Skin

108.863 kr 108863.0 ISK 108.863 kr

134.990 kr

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    The LED Mask uses a controller which contains a lithium-ion polymer battery. Before you begin, fully charge the controller alone (ensure that the mask is disconnected) by inserting the USB-C cable provided into the controller, then insert the power supply into a suitable electrical outlet (via a 2 or 3 pin plug).
    The 3 indicator lights in the controller will start to flash to indicate charging. The battery is fully charged when the three indicator lights on the controller stay illuminated.

    Important to note, the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 cannot be operated while charging. If you attempt to turn the LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 on it simply will not illuminate.

    2. MASK SET UP

    An adjustable Velcro strap connects behind the head and allows you to comfortably wear the mask.
    To fit the mask, thread the straps through the inlet holes on either side of the mask.
    Loop the straps around your head and secure firmly.
    Adjust if necessary.


    The mask is connected to the controller by a USB-A connector.
    The controller switches the LEDs ON and OFF and fully controls power to the mask. The controller has two activation buttons that allow you to choose between the acne treatment mode and the wrinkle treatment mode.

    The smooth button will start the anti-ageing treatment mode and will illuminate the mask in a red colour. The slightly raised button will start the acne treatment mode and will illuminate the mask in a purple colour.

    A 10-minute countdown timer will indicate the remaining time left for each treatment and the mask will stop illuminating automatically once the treatment is finished.
    The controller uses a visible display comprising of 3 indicator lights to show the user the battery charge status of the device.


    1. Cleanse and exfoliate the skin to remove any traces of make-up and SPF
    2. Place your mask on the face, secure with the two Velcro straps
    3. Connect the mask to the controller (ensure the controller is not plugged into an electrical outlet)
    4. Select the treatment mode you require. Switch on the controller by pressing and holding the treatment selector ON/OFF button. The device will switch ON.
    5. The device switches off after ten-minutes. You may stop the treatment at any time by pressing the ON/OFF button on the controller.
    6. Remove the mask, apply your preferred skincare regime.
    7. Clean the mask with a water-based wipe or damp, clean cloth. Stubborn stains can be removed by wiping gently with a solution of 70% alcohol.
    Ensure that the device is NOT being charged when cleaning.


      • Do not share the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 with any other person. It is for single person use only.
      • Do not use the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 to treat any other conditions apart from those listed in the indications for use. The MZ LED Mask has not been tested for any other conditions than those listed, and the risk is unknown.
      • Do not use MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you are pregnant, planning on becoming pregnant or breastfeeding. The MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 has NOT been tested on pregnant or breast-feeding women and therefore the risk to the fetus, neonate or pregnant women is unknown.
      • Do not use the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you are a child under 14 years of age. The safety of the device for children younger than 14 years of age has NOT been tested and the risk is unknown.
      • Do not use the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you suffer from light induced headaches.
      • Do not use the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you suffer from any genetic conditions of the eyes. The MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 has NOT been tested on subjects who suffer with genetic conditions of the eyes and therefore the risks are unknown. If you are unsure about any related eye condition and using the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 contact your ophthalmologist or eye doctor.
      • Do not use MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you suffer from any photosensitive* disorder (sensitization to light) of the eye. MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 has NOT been tested on subjects who suffer with photosensitive disorders of the eye and therefore the risks are unknown. If you are unsure about any related eye condition and using the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0, contact your ophthalmologist or eye doctor.
      • Do not use MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 if you suffer from lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or albinism. If you use the MZ Skin LightMAX Supercharged LED Mask 2.0 to treat lupus erythematosus, photosensitive eczema or albinism you may cause a severe skin reaction.

    *Photosensitivity is a common side effect of various medications. These can include certain antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and diuretics. If you are unsure about any medication, we recommend you to consult your healthcare provider.

    Other substances not listed above can also cause photosensitivity. Common examples of these substances are:
    St John’s Wort, coal tar, deodorants, antibacterial soaps, artificial sweeteners, naphthalene (mothballs), petroleum products, brightening agents found in laundry detergent, and cadmium sulphide (a chemical injected into the skin during tattooing).